My 1 Question Reading is the perfect solution for those seeking quick and concise answers to their burning questions. Using my psychic abilities, I can provide you with a detailed and accurate response to your inquiry. Whether you are looking for guidance in love or career, need direction, or are feeling stuck in a rut, it is my intention to assist you to gain clarity and insight to move forward with empowerment.
This is a limited quantity and limited-time-only reading, and for this purpose, my connect time is capped to shorter connections. These are designed to be a shorter, This is not a 45 minute session as per my ususal mediumship readings. Please don't ask yes/no questions, as this is well suited for insight and awareness over difinitive yes/no answers.
Readings are delivered via email, and may be a video, voice recording or typed response, depending on what i feel will work best for each individual. These are not schedulled at specific times and you will receive your reading in OCTOBER.
1 Question Reading
You will receive your reading by the end of OCTOBER